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Being a winemaker today for me it means earning the right and freedom to work and live outside any classification. There isn't an aspect of my company that I don't personally take care of and if on the one hand this absorbs me completely, on the other it gives me a great opportunity, that of being able to be myself and make my wine freely.


The experimental attitude is my constant challenge. Although the surfaces are so small, I grow 8 different grape varieties organically: Sangiovese, Foglia Tonda, Canaiolo, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah for the reds, Fiano and Grechetto for the whites..


I produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil from about 1500 Leccino, Moraiolo and Frantoio plants which I grow, always organically, in various olive groves on the nearby hills of Arezzo. Innovation, organization and dedication are some of the principles that I undertake to apply also in olive growing to obtain, from healthy fruits, an oil in step with the times: a real extra virgin, for taste and authenticity.